In the Common Dream of George Oppen by Joseph
What Oppen didn't write in those 25 years he didn't.
The Persians by Aeschylus by Brandon Brown
Or is it? It is. But better.
Uncreative Writing by Kenneth Goldsmith
This is the book people will read if they want to know about Kenneth Goldsmtih forever.
The Wide Road by Carla Harryman and Lyn Hejinian
Found Poems by Bern Porter
What they can't do (which isn't much) they can do together.
Mouth: Eats Color by Sawako Nakayasu and Chika Sagawa
Subtitled: "Translations, Anti-Translations, & Originals." Yes.
Goat in the Snow by Emily Pettit
Is probably the best person. Even though it's a book.
Found Poems by Bern Porter
That book by the nuclear scientist who worked on the Manhattan Project who, after the bomb, became a slightly crazed/very lovable/prolific postal-worker who founded the idea of Found Poetry. A re-release. A-ppropriately.
This Can't be Life by Dana Ward
What's there to say about a prophet?
One Sleeps the Other Doesn't by Jacqueline Waters
I couldn't get over the first poem until I couldn't get over the last poem.
++++++++Studying Hunger Journals by Bernadette Mayer (Station Hill Press); The Hermit by Laura Solomon (Ugly Duckling Presse); MOTES by Craig Dworkin (Roof Books); Anew: Complete Shorter Poetry by Louis Zukofsky (New Directions); The Hole by Thom Donovan (Displaced Press); Spring and All by William Carlos Williams, introduction by C.D. Wright (New Directions); No, I Will Be in the Woods by Michelle Taransky (Brave Men Press); You and Three Others Are Approaching a Lake by Anna Moschovakis (Coffee House Press); Micrograms by Jorge Carrera Andrade (Wave Books) +++++++